Through individual measurement a personal and optimized learning experience is realized for each user which leads to the highest possible learning effectiveness and efficiency. Employees are challenged in a unique and simple way as in a game, at a time that is most convenient for thém.
The intelligent backend provides a personalized and optimal learning curve whereby employees are encouraged to continuously keep learning. The state of the art platform also automatically provides new challenges when employees have certain knowledge. Ensures that essential facts and principles will be (and remain) top-of-mind among your employees. Gives you a direct and up-to-date insight at any time into which knowledge is at which place within your organization.
By means of an intelligent self learning system this platform is able to analyse the results of more than 100.000 questions every second, whereby the system can adjust the teaching strategy on the learning pace, skill level and motivation of each user.
This state of the art platform is actually that smart that it can measure exactly how well you remember information and how quickly you forget. Based on this information the system will choose the right questions at the right time for each user so that the knowledge will be remembered and nothing will be forgotten.
Learning flow
Too much challenge causes frustration, too little challenge causes boredom. In an optimal situation each individual remains in its flow. Learning in groups offer no solutions for this. We personalize the learning process and offer you the ideal solution!
Better result
This learning platform get you demonstrably better results. Retention of knowledge is to a large extent created by repetition. Traditional business training 1 or 2 times a year have no measurable effect after several weeks any more. With this platform not only your employees learn easier and faster, they also remain (arguably) their knowledge by repeated learning.
Following organizations already use the Knowingo learning platform 1 :
1 Knowingo is a trademark of Knowingo B.V.